miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008

Broken wings ..

Beaten and bruised, she rises again
Even though her pain knows no end ..
Looking up to the stars she wishes to fly,
Up, up there in the deep blue sky ..

In pieces, her heart lay torn ..
Fighting still, her spirit is worn ..

Blue orbs meet blue sea while the waves crash below.
The shrill light of the moon highlights the jagged stones.
"The only way to fly," she cries, " is to fall ..
To let go and give it your all .."
Bare feet step to the edge as eyes close ..
And she thinks of what she wants the most ..
One step was all it took for her flowing feelings
And she found herself, the dark angel with broken wings ..
Falling was flying, her wings finally opened ..

And all was silent ..

The world resumed,.oblivious to its loss
As the woman truly became an angel ..
To fly was her wish, to fly high in the sky,
And now this first flight made her able ..
Few weep for the forgotten soul,
As they tell her tales of woe ..
But she smiles, finally at peace ..
For the angel no longer had broken wings ..

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