sâmbătă, 31 mai 2008

Don`t cry ..

I`ll smile ..
Although i`m crying inside ..
Because that`s what you all want to see ..
“Don`t cry” you tell me ..
So I`ll bottle it up inside ..
And smile ..
I smile to make you happy ..
Because that`s all that matters ..
I`m dying inside ..
But I`ll smile ..
Because that`s what makes you happy ..
And that`s all that matters ..
Right ?
“Don`t cry” you tell me ..
So i`ll keep all these ..
Unhealthy, poisonous tears ..
Locked in my heart ..
I`ll seem happy for you ..
Because that`s what you want ..
Is it ?
I won`t cry ..
I won`t cry anymore ..
No more tears ..
Unleashed from my breaking heart ..
Because you don`t want me to cry ..
So i won`t cry ..
Because it makes you happier ..
And i want you to be happy ..
Even if i must suffer my silent misery ..
I`ll be better off if you`re happy ..
Because my happiness does not matter ..
It is yours that counts ..
“Don`t cry” you tell me ..
Well i won`t ..
Happy now ?

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